Parish Council Meetings and Archive

Parish Council Meetings

The next ordinary meeting of the Hanborough Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 9th July 2024 at 7:00pm in the Pavilion.

The agenda will appear here and on public notice boards in Church Hanborough, Riely Close and/or the Coop by the preceding Thursday. Members of the public are invited to attend and can make statements or queries by prior written request to the Clerk. This needs to be done by midday of the day before the meeting.

Minutes are published in draft form on noticeboards and are available by request from the clerk around 2 weeks after each meeting.  They are published here when approved in the following meeting. 

2407 HPCsummons.pdf
July agenda

Future Meeting Dates

9th July 


No August meeting


10th Sept

8th Oct

12th Nov

2023-24 Annual Governance Statement.pdf
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2023-24 Accounting Statements.pdf
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2023-24 Annual Internal Audit Report.pdf
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Notice of public rights and publication of unaudited AGAR 2024.pdf
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2024 Statement of Internal Controls.pdf
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2024 Risk Assessment General.pdf
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2024 Risk Assessment Financial and Management.pdf
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2023 Internal Audit Effectiveness Review.pdf
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2023 Insurance Policy Schedule.pdf
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HPC Budget Summary 2024 02 13.pdf
February 24 budget report
HPC Budget Summary 2024 01 09.pdf
January 24 budget report
Financial regulations 2022 02 08.pdf
Financial Regulations
Standing Orders 2022.pdf
Standing Orders
Hanborough Parish Council Asset Register 31 03 2023.pdf
Asset Register at March 2023

Recent Minutes

HPCminutes 240611.pdf
June 2024
HPCminutes 240514.pdf
May 2024
HPCminutes 240416.pdf
April 2024
HPCminutes 240312.pdf
March 2024
HPC APM minutes 230425.pdf
April 2023 Annual Parish Meeting minutes
HPCminutes 240213.pdf
February 2024
HPCminutes 240109.pdf
January 2024
HPCminutes 231212.pdf
December 2023
HPCminutes 231114.pdf
November 2023
HPCminutes 231010.pdf
October 2023
HPCminutes 230912.pdf
September 2023
HPCminutes 230711.pdf
July 2023
HPCminutes 230612.pdf
June 2023
HPCminutes 230509.pdf
May 2023
HPCminutes 230418.pdf
April 2023
HPCminutes 230314.pdf
March 2023
HPCminutes 230214.pdf
February 2023
HPCminutes 230110.pdf
January 2023
HPCminutes 221213.pdf
December 2022
HPCminutes 221108.pdf
November 2022
HPCminutes 221011.pdf
October 2022
HPCminutes 220913.pdf
September 2022
HPCminutes 220712.pdf
July 2022
HPCminutes 220614.pdf
June 2022
HPCminutes 220510.pdf
May 2022
HPC APM minutes 220426.pdf
Annual meeting 2022 minutes
HPCminutes 220412.pdf
April 2022
HPCminutes 220308.pdf
March 2022
HPCminutes 220208.pdf
Feb 2022
HPCminutes 220111.pdf
Jan 2022
HPCminutes 211214.pdf
Dec 2021
HPCminutes 211109.pdf
Nov 2021
HPCminutes 211012.pdf
Oct 2021
HPCminutes 210914.pdf
Sept 2021
HPCminutes 210713.pdf
Jul 2021
HPCminutes 210608.pdf
Jun 20201